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4 Questions Payers Need to Ask About Their Employer Groups

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Employer groups make up a large portion of the covered lives in the healthcare industry. For this reason, employer groups are an important segment of a payer’s business. To stay competitive with employers, payers often develop more attractive offerings with benefits packages that include health, dental, wellness and vision plans.

The billing process for these plan premiums are often not part of the strategy to

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How Much Is a Consolidated Premium Experience Worth?

To stay competitive, payers are developing more comprehensive benefits packages that include health, dental, wellness and vision plans for more attractive offerings. However, billing for these different plans means coordinating disparate systems and varied employer group billing preferences.

To bill employer groups, payers send out multiple paper statements to collect payments across all of the plans and members – each managed separately by the employer group. For the individual market, members may receive separate bills for each plan with different payment

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