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Your VP of Patient Experience Needs a Seat at the Revenue Cycle Table

Every organization wants to maximize revenue and deliver the best possible healthcare service. The problem is many healthcare organizations fail to realize that these two goals are connected. The finance team might not consider the impact that patient experience can have on revenue, while the patient experience team might not think about payments as part of an overall positive healthcare experience. This disconnect prevents both teams from achieving their goals, and creates a negative impact on a patient’s end-to-end healthcare

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What is Integration and How Can Providers Benefit?

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Steady increases in patient financial responsibility and government regulations have led healthcare organizations to invest in technology to help scale the growing healthcare economy. As a result, you may be using multiple systems for billing, payments, patient records and more.

What Is the Challenge of Using Multiple Systems for Payments and Billing?

The challenge is that these systems are usually disparate and do not function well

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What is Tokenization and Why Should Providers Care?

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As payment technology continues to advance, forward-thinking providers can leverage new ways to improve the healthcare payments process.

While tokenization has been around for years as a means of securely saving payment information, it wasn’t always widespread within the healthcare industry. It is important for healthcare to understand that tokenization offers benefits beyond adding a layer of security to payment card processing. By using this

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