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A Great Patient Payment Experience Is Not That Simple

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Improving the patient experience is at the forefront of conversation today for healthcare organizations.

Some vendors claim to offer the simplest, most user-friendly payment experience, but they are only focusing on one specific area of the process instead of the full end-to-end experience. In order to deliver the best possible patient payment experience, ask yourself, what does a great patient payment experience really look like? Here

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It’s Time for Mobile Payments in Healthcare – Here’s How to Keep Them Secure

Smartphones are everywhere. We’ve talked about the ubiquity of smartphones on the InstaMed blog before, but you only have to take a quick look around to see that most people spend a lot of time on their phones. In fact, you notice many people using mobile payments to make purchases at retail locations. You also probably manage some monthly bills or make purchases via your mobile device. Personally, I use my phone to order Starbucks and avoid the lines and

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Your Patients Are Leaving – Innovation Can Make Them Stay and Pay

No one likes rejection; but, providers who can’t deliver the consumer-friendly experiences their patients expect are more likely to see their patient recruitment and retention suffer. According to a recent study from West, 74% of patients put off seeing their providers when they are not completely satisfied with their experience, and 88% of patients said they would switch providers if dissatisfied.

Why are patients dissatisfied with their healthcare experience? A lack of convenience and confidence in the healthcare payments process can

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Use Reporting to Diagnose Your Collection Strengths and Weaknesses

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To maximize payment technologies providers must understand their receivables data to know what’s working and why. Tracking and reporting the results of new initiatives with the flexibility to adjust resources to improve performance is critical to an organization’s success.

There is no one-size-fits-all solution. Not all patients have the same needs and preferences and not all healthcare organizations see the same population of patients. To

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5 Reasons to Accept Online Patient Payments

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The rise of consumerism in healthcare is driving providers to evaluate how they approach healthcare payments. To collect more from patients and reduce administrative costs, providers need to offer more convenient, consumer-friendly options, such as online patient payments.

In today’s world consumers want ease and convenience in many aspects of their lives, including being able to pay their bills online. As more people turn to

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