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Enhance the Provider Experience: Deliver Payment Assurance

In an earlier post, we discussed one of the major threats to the payer-provider relationship: the provider’s lack of payment assurance.  This threat poses an opportunity to payers to give their provider networks the tools needed to achieve payment assurance.  In our previous post, we gave tips for payers to deliver payment assurance to their providers.  Below, we’ve included a graphic of the Payment Assurance Framework to demonstrate how payers can deliver payment assurance to providers in each step of the healthcare

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Top 3 Misconceptions of Collecting from Patients

Many healthcare providers are concerned about the impact to their businesses that will result under PPACA.  Much of this concern is due to the additional 20 to 30 million uninsured Americans that will begin to receive new healthcare coverage in 2014.  With more patients eligible to receive healthcare services, and hundreds of millions of patient payments transactions being added to the U.S. healthcare system, the difficulties providers face with patient collections is becoming a high priority issue.

Shifting the focus to

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5 Reasons to Accept Online Patient Payments

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The rise of consumerism in healthcare is driving providers to evaluate how they approach healthcare payments. To collect more from patients and reduce administrative costs, providers need to offer more convenient, consumer-friendly options, such as online patient payments.

In today’s world consumers want ease and convenience in many aspects of their lives, including being able to pay their bills online. As more people turn to

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